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Starting your Job Search

Being in the staffing business for over 50 years, we know what hiring managers are looking for on a resume. Here are some helpful tips to get you on a successful path!


  1. Make sure you have your resume up to date. List your jobs in order of most recent meaning your current position should be at the top of your resume. Don’t leave any gaps in your resume. If you were not employed for a certain period of time or had a short employment experience, make sure to include those and come prepared to the interview knowing you will likely be asked about this. It is good to be honest in these interviews, just make sure to be positive and leave a good first impression. Additionally, make sure that your LinkedIn profile matches with your resume. Employers will look at your profile if available!


  1. Do not create resumes on third party job hosting sites. If you want to stand out and set a good impression, have a good-looking resume to get that attention!


  1. Practice interviewing with a friend or family member. The more comfortable you are in front of people talking about your previous jobs and strong points, the more confident you will appear to a hiring manager.


  1. Use a recruiter! Godshall has been in the industry for over 50 years and we have a whole team looking for the best career fit for you. We staff across five industries including: Professional, Technical, IT, Healthcare, and Financial.

Go to our website at to explore all our available jobs!


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